The antlers in this picture are in full velvet.

 The antlers in this picture are so white because the velvet had to be removed for scoring.

Carl Taylor of Greenville, MS had the experience that most deer hunters dream of, and only a very few will ever experience in reality.  But rest assured, Carl Taylor is very humble about this experience and thanks God everyday.  He also stated with interview by The Bragging Post that he is very appreciative of the comments and interests from everyone, especially fellow sportsmen.

On October 1, 2004, opening day of the 2004 Archery Season, Carl Taylor harvested the new Typical State Record taken by bow by 6/8 of an inch. 

Circumstances of that day led him to be in the right spot at the right time and God gave him the ability to do what he did next.  Taylor had hunted earlier that day in the Yazoo National Wildlife Refuge, but left due to crowded conditions and mosquitoes to hunt a mile or 2 away on private property, but due to some farming operations that were going on, he made a wise decision to go to some family land in Issaquena County to do some "scouting".  He took his PSE Carrera bow with him "just in case".  Another wise decision.

He said he was just walking through some tall grass when he heard something to his left.  The buck just trotted across in front of him. "Not running, just trotting,"  Taylor recalled. "I finally asked myself, 'Are you going to shoot or what?'"  At about 30 yards away, he took the shot.  His 100-grain Thunderhead went through the buck's hind quarters and tore the renal artery.  "I'm not saying I could do it again," Taylor said, "But I made it one time, when it counted."  The buck went down about 40 yards from the shot.

The buck is a main frame 10 point with 3 extra stickers.  The antlers have a 21 6/8" inside spread, and 5 7/8" and 5 4/8" bases.   It had a total of 6 3/8" of non-typical deductions and 9 2/8" of typical deductions.  The right main beam measured 27 3/8" in length and the left 26 4/8 and both beams had thick mass all the way out.  The three longest tines, the G2 and G3 on the left and the G3 on the right, all exceeded 11".  Both brow tines were over 7".  The buck grossed 181 2/8 and that was without the 3 non-typical points.  Net official score after the 60 day waiting period is 165 5/8".

Previous State Record was also taken in Issaquena County on the west side of the Mississippi River by Jimmy House of Oak Grove, LA.  That buck, taken December 16, 1999, scored 164 7/8 inches.

The Mississippi Non-typical State Record was taken by Tracy Laird of Natchez on October 21, 2003, with a net score of 236 1/8 and can be seen on The Bragging Post by clicking here.

Carl has also taken since this record buck an 8 point that weighed 218 lbs. and has a 17 3/4" spread.  Pictures will soon be posted of this deer also.